#407. Stone Game

Stone Game


ne day, LittleGyro and Derrick are playing a game with stones again.
There are N (N is always an even number) piles of stones. The i-th pilecontains aia_iai​stones.

In one's turn, theplayer should choose exactly N/2 non-empty piles and take any positive numberof stones away for each pile he chooses. That means the player can removestones within a different number from all the selected piles in a single turn.

And in this game,suppose that the two players, Little Gyro and Derrick, are all very clever.Little Gyro always takes first. The person who cannot make a move loses thegame.

Now given thenumber of the stones of N piles, if both of them play the game optimally, yourjob is to tell who will win the game.

Input Format

There are multiple test cases. The first line of inputcontains an integer T, indicating the number of test cases. For each test case:
The first line contains an one integer N (2 ≤ N ≤ 50), indicating the number ofthe piles.
The second line contains N numbers a1​, a2​,……, an​(1 ≤ ai​≤ 50), indicating the number of the stones in the i-thpile.

Output Format

For each case, output "HappyLittle Gyro"(without quotes) if Little Gyro wins the game, Otherwise,output "Sad Little Gyro"(without quotes)


8 8
Sad Little Gyro


3 1 4 1
Happy Little Gyro